Clarinet multiphonics in Electroclarinet 1

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A clarinetist recently asked me some help before performing my composition Electroclarinet 1, for Bb clarinet and live electronics. I've been thrilled to help her, and at this occasion, I engraved the multiphonics with the correct fingerings:

clarinet split tones
These are split tones, played with regular fingerings. Low & higher harmonic region refer to the amount and relative frequencies of the partials present in the sound, similarly to what Xenakis uses in his composition Charisma.Timbre trill with low F key.

clarinet multiphonics
Multiphonics with specified fingerings.

clarinet diphonic
Soft diphonic.

clarinet trill multiphonics
Harmonic note over tremolo. For the high note, it is normal to hear a slight pitch variation, not written here.

clarinet multiphonic fingering
With given fingering.

clarinet multiphonics underblowing
"Underblown" multiphonics. Notes with fermatas are played with regular fingerings. Eighth notes are played with "regular" open fingerings, as indicated.

clarinet split tone
Regular split tone, play with full sound spectrum.

Have a look at the multiphonics in their original notation: they figure in the music manuscript. Also, make sure you listen to the live recording of Electroclarinet 1's premiere!


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