Electroclarinet 2 - Live sound processing part 1

Looking for the studio album? Visit www.electroclarinet.com

Electroclarinet 2 is a composition for contrabass clarinet and live electronic processing. All of the electronic sounds you hear are produced in real time; they result from transformations of the clarinet sounds played live. In this post, I am describing the first and third processes.

Live electronic musical processes are implemented as what many musicians call patches. Patch is a term used in electronic music to describe the organization of small sound processing modules. The term patch is used when working with Hardware (patching a Buchla 200), Software (Max patches), and combination of software & dedicated hardware (Nord Modular G2 patches or patches for a Roland V-Synth GT).


The first patch I use in Electroclarinet 2 is called Serenade:

Patch #1: Serenade

It features a long reverb module, the main culprit for the atmospheric sound. Then, a module that slices and transposes the sound is followed by a 4-voice frequency shifter. The frequency shifter is making the clarinet sound more or less inharmonic, depending on the preset. I use this patch with 9 different parameter presets between the beginning of the piece and around 3:15.


Whereas the Serenade doesn't feature any feedback line, the third patch, called Manifold, is the king of feedback. Feedback lines appear in the graphic as bold lines. The loop is simultaneously recorded and played back.

Process #3: Manifold


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