Garth Knox at Harvard - Catalyst online

On Valentine's day, Garth Knox gave a great viola recital in Paine Hall, at Harvard Music Department.

My friend Edgar Barroso is the first composer to post a video of his piece. It is called Catalyst.

Listen to and download a mp3 version of the recording from Edgar's Catalyst web page.

The team of composers

During the dress rehearsal on Saturday afternoon, Edgar took a picture of all the composers. From left to right: Bert Van Herck, José-Luis Hurtado, Jean-François Charles, Tolga Yayalar, Adam Roberts, professor Hans Tutschku, soloist Garth Knox, Sasha Siem, Dominique Schaffer, and Edgar Barroso. Only composer Josiah Oberholtzer is missing from this shot.

Bert Van Herck Jose Luis Hurtado Jean-Francois Charles Tolga Yayalar Adam Roberts Hans Tutschku Garth Knox Sasha Siem Dominique Schaffer Edgar Barroso

Thanks Edgar!


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